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Whatsapp mod anti benned 2019

Hallo semuanya  balik lagi dengan saya EssesCyber7...Kali ini Gw mau share sebuah applikasi whatsapp mod anti banned-banned club,dan tentunya aman dan jauh dari banned....

Fiturnya :
🔹 supports calls
🔹 hide your ( last seen )
🔹 privacy mods
🔹 themes mods
🔹 DND Mod
🔹 AutoReply
🔹 Ability to Schedule a Message (Message Scheduler)
🔹 Ability to Hide Chats (using Pattern)
🔹 Ability to Send Message or Call to Unknown Nos.
🔹 Ability to Translate Messages in Different Languages.
🔹 Ability to Download Status/Stories
🔹Ability to Send Broadcast to Groups
🔹 Theme Server ( to download/apply themes )
🔹 Change ticks/bubbles Style Mod
🔹 (17) Ticks & (13) Bubbles Styles to choose
🔹 counter statistics for groups
🔹 Show Online/last Seen in Main Screen
🔹 send video with size 50MB instead of 16MB
🔹 send 90 images at once instead of 10
🔹 change your status and add to 250 characters instead of 139 characters
🔹ability to press on links on chat screen without save sender number or group admin number
🔹 ability to press in links on your friends' status
🔹 ability to distinguish between normal messages and Broadcast messages
🔹 hide the name and the date when copy more than one message
🔹 ability to copy friends' status
🔹 ability to change the app icon and notifications
🔹 and many many other features .. discover it by yourself

"Yang inggin dowload silahkan:) link dowload ada di bawah ini.

Waalaikumsalam wr.wb


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